• Inicio

    We aim to maximize capital deployment to generate
    an impact in Latin America and the Caribbean

    We share our vision with regional impact investors and leaders

  • Inicio

    We maximize deployment
    of capital directed
    to generate impact
    in Latin America
    and the Caribbean

    We share our vision with great leaders
    that invest with impact lenses in our region.

About us

We are a network in Latin America and the Caribbean that brings together the largest number of capital providers with the objective of catalyzing, in a more strategic way, the flow of human, intellectual and financial capital to drive a more strategic deployment of resources towards social and environmental impact. 

With only 5 years, we bring together close to 220 members, including families, family offices, corporations, donor foundations, multilateral organizations, academic institutions and accelerators. Investing in more than 16 countries in the region with HQ in more than 30 countries around the world.

Our approach focuses on three pillars:


We provide access to knowledge to make better impact investment decisions.


We foster permanent connections that complement our knowledge offer through face-to-face and virtual events. We are the only network with a global outlook in the Region and at the same time we are Latin American ambassadors in international scenarios.


We promote concrete actions to maximize the deployment of capital for impact through effective resource management.

We build articulated opportunities where we actively participate in every collaboration that maximizes capital towards impact.

Continuum of Capital

Our strategy emphasizes the generation of impact along the capital continuum, understanding the complementarity of financial resources to generate social and environmental transformations. The network encompasses the entire capital continuum, from venture philanthropy to impact investing, blended finance and sustainable finance.

The power of the network: news and developments Latimpacto doesn't stop!

Take advantage of all of the events that move our network. Register with our events and download content!

We bring together investors with a vision of impact private, public and philanthropic sectors that invest in our region.

Latimpacto in numbers

We are part of a global network that brings together over 1,100 members globally.
