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Latimpacto and AVPN hosted a closed-door roundtable on scaling up
climate-related innovations
February 28th, Online

Latimpacto and our sister network AVPN hosted a discussion space on scaling up
climate-related innovations, where we showcased the Innovation Small Grant
Aggregator Platform (ISGAP) in partnership with United Nations Development
Program to mobilize private sector capital to develop and diffuse innovative
adaptation practices, tools, and technologies in Global South.

Latimpacto and our sister network AVPN hosted a discussion space on scaling up
climate-related innovations, where we showcased the Innovation Small Grant
Aggregator Platform (ISGAP) in partnership with United Nations Development
Program to mobilize private sector capital to develop and diffuse innovative
adaptation practices, tools, and technologies in Global South.

The event brings together social investors and climate adaptation innovators in Latin America and the Caribbean.
America to drive conversations on scaling up climate-related innovations and
addressing the need for climate-related investments to enable regional adaptation
strategies. "It is always great to learn about amazing initiatives like this and to partner
up with our sister Network AVPN in giving visibility to them. Thank you so much!"
stated Juan David Ferreira, Programs Director at Latimpacto.
