The STEM Fund Latimpacto is built around collaborative impact philanthropy.
and modeled as a Clustered Philanthropic Fund, inspired by the success of a similar initiative
in Asia, driven by our sister network AVPN.

What is a pooled fund?

In a pooled fund, multiple donors make grants to a single entity to achieve a more significant and coordinated impact on an issue. Through this aggregation, donors learn to work together and draw common learnings around a specific impact model.

The resources provided are combined to create a larger fund, and participating donors jointly recommend how these funds can be deployed for
to generate a convincing and long-lasting impact on a variety of

Objectives of the STEM Fund in Latin Latin America for the first year:

The STEM Fund will focus on Brazil and Mexico during its first year and aims to award unrestricted grants starting at USD $25,000.Highly flexible and can be adapted to the geographic and thematic interests of others donors during the second and third years.
Supporting NGOs working to increase access to learning methodologies, resources, and products STEM for students in their last year of of basic secondary education in Brazil and Mexico
Supporting social enterprises at early stages with proven products and business models that seek to scale and seek to scale and replicate their products and services related to STEM in vulnerable communities.
These organizations will work to expand and improve access to education education STEM for marginalized and historically excluded populations. excluded populations.

Do you want to apply
as a beneficiary organization?

For questions related to the platform and technical support you can write to

Do you want to be part of
of the STEM Fund?

Currently, Lenovo and GSI are the founders of this fund, each with a contribution of USD 100,000 for the first year. They are willing to commit a similar amount similar amount annually if we secure new funders for future years. for the next few years.

We are looking to incorporate other funders with a commitment of at least USD 100,000 per year to be matched with be matched with funds provided by Lenovo and GSI. GSI.

As founder, you will be part of the Advisory and Selection Selection Committee, which is involved in the fund's decision and in the selection of beneficiaries, among other governance issues. The fund is highly flexible and can be tailored to your organization's geographic and thematic thematic interests that your organization may have.

Join Latimpacto and partners to boost the impact on education STEM through this fund!

For more information write to us at:
