About us

Latimpacto is a dynamic peer network in Latin America and the Caribbean, comprising over 210 capital providers across 16 countries in Latin America and several countries in Europe, Asia, the US, and Canada. 

We foster collaborations, learning opportunities, and connections among actors dedicated to maximizing the deployment of resources for impact in the region. 

Our approach centers on three pillars: Learn, Connect and Act.

Continuum of Capital

Our strategy emphasizes the generation of impact along the continuum of capital, understanding the complementarity of financial resources to generate social and environmental transformations.

The power of the network: news and developments Latimpacto doesn't stop!

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Latimpacto in numbers

We gathered more than 200 investors with a vision of impact from the private, public, and philanthropic sectors who invest in our region.


People have participated in our training programs.

275 connections

generated in the last 2 years

+10 countries

countries in Latin America and the Caribbean where our members invest.

+80 cases

cases of investors who have invested in the region Region.

We are part of a global network that brings together over 1,100 members globally.

Our work

We foster connections and offer rigorous learning programs, resources, tools, and innovative opportunities that help mobilize capital so that our members' resources can be deployed more strategically.

Our members can access a value offer that contains:

Latimpacto Memberships



Daniel Uribe

Corona Foundation

"Being able to discuss impact and for-impact investment development in the region is valuable enough to be part of Latimpacto."

Ligia Saad

Votorantim Institute

"Socio-environmental problems are complex and to have effective responses we need partnerships. Latimpacto connects complementary potentials and common challenges. I hope that the network will get stronger and wider all the time!"

Rosario Aguilar

Arca Continental

"Since I started having contact with Latimpacto it has been a learning experience. In addition to allowing me to meet colleagues from other countries, it has helped me to better understand the importance of partnerships in building support networks"

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