Corporate Impact Program

The challenge of corporate impact is to articulate strategies that are holistic and focus on the same purpose and business model to deploy impact resources more efficiently.

Corporate stakeholders are key in the Latin American impact ecosystem, with our region's rapid growth and dynamic innovation and development processes. The lack of a comprehensive understanding of ESG criteria, impact, sustainability, SDGs, and social and environmental innovation means that stakeholders do not work strategically and miss opportunities related to corporate purpose. Companies need better articulation with their Corporate Impact Vehicles to achieve their purpose, have a strategic impact on their business model, and contribute to the world with innovative solutions.

Our corporate members can develop a thriving ecosystem and maximize the impact of their resources. Through:

Practical tools that maximize impact and contribute to the purpose of your organization's business model.

Knowledge, connections and interactions that will strengthen your impact strategy.
Strengthen the capabilities of your team and Corporate Impact Vehicles.
Our Program seeks to provide a comprehensive look at business and corporate impact vehicles, from a strategic view of philanthropic initiatives to ESG standards, to deploy resources more efficiently.


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