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II Re-connection Fair

On May 17, we participated as panelists in the II Re-connection Fair of Red Colaborar and the IAF. RedColaborar is a living community of civil society organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean belonging to the Inter-American Foundation (IAF), is a project managed by MAKAIA in partnership with TechSoup which seeks to strengthen organizations through the sharing of knowledge and experiences, the identification of common challenges and objectives and collaborative work for the development of the region.

It was a pleasure to share knowledge about innovative finance, non-financial support and impact measurement with more than 140 people from grassroots and purpose-driven organizations. 

We talk about impact investment trends so that grassroots organizations are strengthened and can be in the conversation with investors about different investment mechanisms, learn about the different topics where the direction of a prosperous future is going, that they can go beyond the traditional by learning about innovative forms of finance, and that they can also measure the impact of their initiatives to create more attractive investment offers where they can show their results. 

The invitation to everyone is to use our non-financial support and innovative finance toolkit. These Latimpacto tools are open-use, practical and with documented cases.

We thank Red Colaborar and Makaia for the invitation.

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